CELTA in Bergamo
NEXT COURSE: part-time hybrid course (half online half face to face) 21 October 2024 - 7 April 2025
full-time face to face course July 2025
Anderson House are proud to add CELTA to the Cambridge certifications it has been delivering in the area since 2008. The CELTA – Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – is an introductory course for candidates with little or no previous experience in teaching or for candidates with some experience but little or no formal training.
This practical, hands-on teacher training course gives you a thorough grounding in teaching, classroom management skills, communicative methodology and the techniques necessary to teach English effectively and gain confidence in the classroom. The CELTA course is validated by Cambridge Assessment English – part of the University of Cambridge – which issues and awards the certificates. It is recognized by employers and language schools worldwide and its certificate is the most prestigious and sought-after in the field of TEFL.
We have refurbished a new part of the school and added two large classrooms with state-of-the-art interactive boards. See snapshots at the bottom of this page!
The course is part-time and you will have time to learn how to teach English to adults. All through the course, you will be guided and supported by our tutors. The course is practical in its approach and includes:
✔️ Language analysis and awareness of form, meaning, pronunciation.
✔️ Developing teaching skills in the classroom.
✔️ Techniques for presenting and practising new language.
✔️ Techniques for the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
✔️ Using teaching aids.
There are two components, Component One: Planning and teaching and Component Two: Classroom-related written assignments (of which there are four in total).
COMPONENT ONE: Planning and teaching In this component, candidates are required to practice-teach for a total of six assessed hours, working with adult learners at a minimum of two levels. By the end of the six hours of assessed teaching practice, candidates should have demonstrated successful achievement of all the teaching practice assessment criteria.
COMPONENT TWO: Classroom-related written assignments
The written assignments focus on:
✔️ Adult learners and learning contexts.
✔️ An aspect of the language system of English.
✔️ An aspect of language skills.
✔️ Reflection on classroom teaching and the identification of action points.
Each of these assignments is between 750 and 1,000 words.
Below are what is required to be able to qualify for the course:
✔️ being 18 years of age.
✔️ English CEFR level good C1 or C2 / IELTS 7.5 / Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) – pass B (Cambridge English Scale minimum score of 193).
✔️ Having a good standard of education (a high school leaving certificate).
The applications are screened by our tutors: you will be asked to complete a written task which focuses on language awareness and other issues relating to teaching English. If the task shows that you have the appropriate level of English and the potential to develop your skills to pass the course, you will be shortlisted and invited for an interview. Successful candidates will be notified shortly afterwards.
Given its intensive nature, it is highly recommended that you do not take on other commitments while on the course – especially the full-time course.

The full-time course is very intensive and lasts 4 weeks for 5 days a week from 10:00am to 5:30pm. In the morning, your tutors will deliver workshops on various aspects of the English language and teaching techniques, followed by teaching practice in the afternoon. You will be teaching real students and you will receive feedback on your lessons from your tutors and your colleagues on the course.
Full-time course dates Face-to-face: July 2025; September 2025
The part-time course is less intensive but equally demanding. It usually lasts between 20 and 22 weeks with at least 120 contact hours of required attendance. Lessons usually run every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
Part-time course dates Hybrid (half online half face-to-face): 21 October 2024 – 7 April 2025
The price for both part-time and full-time courses is the same: € 1.850,00. This includes all materials and Cambridge fees.
We offer candidates support in suggesting language schools worldwide who are recruiting CELTA qualified teachers.
Watch below the course image what our past trainees have said about the CELTA at Anderson House.
For Application Form, click here
For Candidate Agreement Form, click here
Once you have filled in the application, send the filled in Candidate Agreement Form to celta@andersonhouse.it.
CELTA - REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION (please write in English)
The undersigned, has read article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 and gives consent to the processing of common personal data on the part of ANDERSON HOUSE for the sending of promotional or commerical material, for the carrying out of market research and communication of such data and the subsequent processing for the same purposes.
Anderson House è scuola associata e certificata AISLi, Ente inserito nell’elenco definitivo degli Enti Accreditati per la formazione del Personale Docente della Scuola dal MIUR (Decreto 177/2000 e Direttiva 90/2003), incluso nell’ultimo elenco degli Enti Accreditati e Qualificati per la Formazione del Personale Docente della Scuola (D.M. 170/2016 del 23/11/2016), nonché Centro Esame Autorizzato Cambridge Assessment English, Ente Certificatore riconosciuto dal MIUR per la scuola e per l’università (DPR n. 323/98 e DM n. 509/99). Anderson House è quindi accreditata per svolgere le attività di aggiornamento e qualificazione professionale di cui alla legge 107/2015 (La Buona Scuola) ed è presente tra gli enti elencati nell’ambito Formazione e Aggiornamento sia sul sito Carta del Docente che sulla piattaforma SOFIA, che registrerà tutte le iniziative di formazione alle quali partecipano i docenti.
Anderson House is a member of AISLi (the Association of Quality Private Language Schools of Italy), which is included in the definitive list of Accredited Institutions for the Training of School Teachers by the Italian Ministry of Education (Decree 177/2000 and Directive 90/2003), included in the last list of Accredited and Qualified Institutions for the Training of School Teachers (Ministerial Decree 170/2016 dated 23/11/2016), as well as an authorized Cambridge Assessment English Centre, a certifying body recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education for schools and univerisities (Presidential Decree no.323/98 and Ministerial Decree no. 509/99). Anderson House is, therefore, accredited to carry out vocational training and qualification as per Law 107/2015 (La Buona Scuola) and is present amongst the listed institutions in the field of Training and Refresher Courses both on the site Carta del Docente and on the platform SOFIA, which will register all the training the teachers undergo.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello, my name is Sergio. After studying English for almost twenty years, I decided to become an English teacher.
Why did you decide to get a CELTA qualification?
I was advised to take the CELTA course by my English friends, and wanted to have a go.
Did you do any research to help you decide that CELTA is the right qualification to get?
I read blogs and watched videos about the CELTA. I found this website: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/celta/, which is very useful.
Did you have any teaching experience before doing the course?
No, I had no teaching experience before doing the course.
Why did you decide to do the CELTA at Anderson House Bergamo?
I live and work in Bergamo. When I saw there was the CELTA course in my town, I applied immediately.
Did you do a face to face or an online course?
I did a face to face course.
How did you prepare for the course?
Before taking the course, I took the CAE exam (at Anderson House) and read blogs, surfed the internet and collected helpful information.
What does a typical day on a CELTA course look like?
I did the part-time course. In the morning, my peers and I were taught teaching strategies and classroom management (Input session). We covered topics like language analysis, presenting language, receptive and productive skills, teaching functional language, etc. In the afternoon, my peers and I taught different lessons to real students who volunteered. In the first half of the course, we taught pre-intermediate students and then upper-intermediate students in the second half of the course. The students were very friendly and eager to learn. We had the opportunity to teach students from different countries as well.
What were your tutors like?
The tutors were prepared and supportive throughout the course. They encouraged independence all the time but were always available for support. After every lesson, they gave us precious feedback on positive aspects and areas to work on.
What was the most challenging thing of the CELTA course for you?
As I did the course while working, time management was the most challenging issue to cope with. Even though I took the part-time course, it was quite demanding and I needed to work hard every evening to submit materials in due time. Preparing lessons is time-consuming, as well as writing assignments (and especially if you have to resubmit them :).
What did you learn?
I learnt how to organise and develop lessons and analyse and teach English effectively to different students. The critical aspect I learnt on the course is that students are the most valuable resource.
Did the course meet your expectations?
Yes, absolutely. The course met my expectations. I knew it was going to be demanding and rewarding.
What advice would you give someone thinking about doing a face-to-face CELTA course?
Be prepared to spend your time with authors like Ridell, Scrivener, Thornbury, (to mention just a few) and always be concentrated. The tutors will guide you along the course but remember to work with your peers. Giving and asking each other for feedback is crucial. Eat well, rest, and go for a walk in your spare time.
Is there anything else you think future CELTA students should know?
Do not overthink and over analyze things, especially if you need to resubmit some assignments. Your tutors will help you identify the areas to work on. The crucial aspect is: show improvement.
What are your plans now?
I want to teach English in schools and organise courses for companies. CELTA is the first step into the world of teaching English.